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+7 (7252) 35-36-97

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street B.Momyshuly, 27

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Flexo printing

Flexographic printing is a method of applying an image to a material by means of flexible rubber forms using ultraviolet inks. Widely used in food and alcoholic beverages - self-adhesive labels.

The flexible form that transmits the picture makes this type of printing unique, combining simplicity and the possibility of high print run. One form is designed for 1-5 million prints. Its elasticity eliminates the process of a make-ready, makes it possible to print on a rough or flexible texture, use a wide range of materials.

Advantages of the flexographic printing:

  • Simplicity and low costs with a high performance;
  • High quality of prints, comparable to the quality of offset and gravure printing on a wide variety of materials;
  • High speed printing.

Additional service - delivery of print runs to the customer's warehouse.

KAI 4837
KAI 4846
KAI 4850
KAI 4879
KAI 4881
KAI 4889

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