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Offset printing

One of the advantages of this type of manufacture of printing products can safely be attributed high image quality.

Another advantage of  this manufacturing technology  is the ability to print on different types of paper.

Our offset printing machine KBA "Rapida-74", consisting of 6 printing sections and a varnishing module, will cope with even the largest amount of work in a short time.

Advantages of the offset printing:

  • High quality printing;
  • the ability to print on any kind and texture of paper;
  • printing large quantities of copies in a short time;
  • Significant reduction in the cost of offset printing in large print runs.

KAI 4913
KAI 4925
KAI 4930
KAI 4932
KAI 49321
KAI 49322
KAI 49323

Do you have any questions?

We are ready to discuss all your questions, write to us
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