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Post-printing services

Post-print processing of products includes the following types of services:

Kerf - the newest computer-controlled machines make it possible to cut products with absolute precision.
Cutting - notching presses will give your advertising materials any conceived form.
Lamination - coating products with films of different thicknesses that protect against the effects of moisture and air, as well as give a rich look.
Stamping - finishing products with different foil, blind and relief stamping
Springing - used in the manufacture of calendars, reports, notebooks, notepads, technical manuals, brochures or presentation materials.
Stitching - the printing house is equipped with equipment for any type of stitching of the GSB, and provides applying springs, paper clips, winding, cutting holes for the ring mechanism of the folder.
Binding - allows you to make book-magazine and notepad products using the glued seamless binding of pages.
Perforation - marking and dashed perforation to facilitate tearing off a part of the sheet.
Folding - will allow to bend sheets of products precisely on the given line.
Numbering is a printing process in which consecutive numeric sequence numbers are printed on printed products. The field of its application is extremely wide.
Relief stamping
Relief stamping - due to the local compression of the material between the counterstamp and the heated stamp, a relief-convex image is obtained.
Sheetfeeding–complete set of a book or other block of individual sheets in accordance with the correct sequence.

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